AZ42 4mil Optical Grade Mylar (9" x 11" or 12" x 18")


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4.00 LBS
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Product Overview


Aztek has done much testing and research to develop a Mylar that is truly optically clear. Combined with our Kami mounting fluid products the AZ-42 mylar will achieve the highest quality scan possible. If your tired of dealing with countless hours of touch up, and getting the highest quality scan is your objective, AZ-42 is the product for you.

AZTEK Scanning Film
Take Full advantage of Wet Mounting with your Scanner

AZ42 Ultra Clear Polyester Scanning Overlay Alternative to Agfa C-42 Known as the supplier of the impossible-to-get items. The scanning world relies on a very clear grade of polyester (Mylar) from Agfa,and a few "not so clear" alternatives. Supply of all of these products has been limited, and we have heard that the quality of what is available is of great concern to users.

Look no further, we have your solution … AND A PRICE ADVANTAGE! ALL POLYESTER IS NOT CREATED EQUAL Without getting into a lot of chemistry, polyester is a man-made material derived from a base material of ethylene glycol (better known as automobile anti-freeze). It has amazing properties and can be made into everything from clothing to clear, plastic film. Almost all of this "clear, plastic film" finds its way into applications other than scanning overlay sheets. In these other uses, the polyester is coated with something to make it function properly for its desired end use. These coatings render it unclear for scanning purposes. Even the polyester that is used as a base for photographic film is coated and has an optical impedance that we read as the base density on our densitometers.

As manufacturers of scanners, we needed the best possible material to support our products. This need was the driving force behind the creation of AZTEK's AZ42 scanner overlay sheets. As a result, this new product is optically clearer than anything else, past or present, in the marketplace. AZ42 is the only polyester overlay sheet on the market that is specifically designed and formulated for scanning on either drum or flatbed units. Heat-sealed, plastic shrink wrapped in reusable, flap-seal boxes.

Key advantage of AZTEK's AZ42 Mylar

• Optically crystal clear

• No coatings of any kind

• Each sheet is separated by a dust and static free slip-sheet

• Dimensionally stable, 4 mil thick

• Less image noise when scanning

• 100 sheets per box

• Available in the following stock sizes: (9" X 11", 12" X 18", 20" X 24")

Not All Mylar Is Optically Clear

Microscopic View.


Above Samples

The two above views illustrate the differences of off the shelf Mylar (picture on left) and high quality scanning AZ42 Mylar (picture on right).

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  • 5
    Mylar film for wet mount scans

    Posted by Alan on 18th Dec 2018

    This product does exactly what it needs to do. Very good quality.

  • 5
    Quality Scanning Mylar

    Posted by Alex on 11th Jan 2018

    This is the only quality scanning mylar on the market. When I first started drum scanning I used some inexpensive Dura-Lar to practice wet mounting. That's about all that stuff was good for, this Aztek mylar is much more optically clear and also has a more even surface. The boxes are very nicely packed with tissue sheets between each mylar so you can pull them out together and not scratch the surface. The 12x18" size is a little larger than I wanted for my most scans on my Heidelberg scanner but I just easily trim a few inches off the long end with scissors.